Three Common Signs You Have A Carpenter Ant Infestation


In the United States, carpenter ants are common pests. They breed and nest in damaged, damp, or decayed wood. However, carpenter ants do not eat wood like termites. Instead, they chew and burrow through it to build their nests and connect to their food sources. Chewing or burrowing through wood can pose a problem when carpenter ants decide your home, building, or furniture is the perfect place to settle in. If this occurs, carpenter ant control is essential to limit your structural damage. Read on to learn more about the three common signs of a carpenter ant infestation and when you need to enlist the help of an exterminator in CT.  

There Is Evidence Of Wood Damage

Have you seen small mounds of sawdust around the inside or outside of your building or home? Upon closer inspection, are there holes near those piles? Both of these are tell-tale signs of a carpenter ant infestation – and the damage they are causing. When your wood is substantially damaged, it can become soft and could potentially collapse.  

You Hear Strange Sounds

When carpenter ants are burrowing into your wood, they may make noises you can hear (like rustling or crinkling). These sounds tend to be more prominent at night when everything is quiet. If you hear something strange, a professional pest control company can help you figure out if those noises are carpenter ants moving about in your walls.    

You See Them Around Your Property

Carpenter ants are giant black insects that sometimes have wings. If you see one in your home or building, this indicates that many more are lurking around. That’s why contacting a pest control company is crucial as soon as possible after your first carpenter ant sighting.

Contact Your Local Pest Control Exterminators

If you think you have a carpenter ant infestation, ProfExt can help. We can inspect your entire home or building for these pests. Then, based on our findings, we will assist you in determining the best course of action to remedy the issue. If you have any questions or want to book our services, please contact us today.

We proudly provide ant control to the following areas on the Connecticut Shoreline:

Our carpenter noticed some termite damage. I called Fox Pest Control, who couldn't see us for a week. Trying to keep our project moving, I decided to call around. ProfExt was able to see us the same day. Kenny, the technician, went above and beyond for us and gave us his professional opinion, which we wanted to hear.

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